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On Monday, April 3, Dublin campaign group ‘Friends of the Iveagh Markets’ gathered outside City Hall for a protest. Stood with their banners, words, and vests – their message was…
April 4, 2023Read More
Tens of thousands of people in Dublin “celebrated diversity” in the ‘Ireland For All’ anti-racism march on Saturday. Supporters gathered in Parnell Square and marched to the Customs House in…
February 20, 2023Read More
The busy city-centre artery has been brought to a standstill due to an anti-immigration protests. Up to 20 people attended a protest and blocked traffic last week against the opening…
February 3, 2023Read More
A vacant site just across the Liffey from Heuston station, dubbed ‘Ionad Seán Heuston’, has continued to be the focus of protests after a huge Garda operation broke up an…
October 14, 2022Read More
Community Action Tenants Union (CATU) Inchicore Kilmainham have been protesting at City Hall against the Dublin City Council’s plan to allow a private landlord to develop 91 units at St…
October 4, 2022Read More
Youth activists took to the streets of Dublin demanding immediate climate action Hundreds of people gathered for climate protests across the country in late March as part of a global…
April 5, 2022Read More
A ‘No Evictions’ protest organised by the Community Action Tenants Union (CATU) took place last Monday afternoon after tenants in Phibsboro were threatened with eviction. The lunchtime protest was held…
February 8, 2022Read More
On Thursday last, numerous “anti-lockdown” protestors gathered on O’Connell Bridge. They then moved on to East Wall Road and then proceeded to Grafton Street. Some protesters were not adhering to the social distancing guidelines, the 5km restriction or…
October 28, 2020Read More
Dublin 8 residents gathered outside Vicar Street recently to protest plans that will add a high-rise hotel to the music venue. Vicar Street owner Harry Crosbie has been given the…
March 1, 2019Read More
NCAD Sit in – Thomas street – Credit NCAD Student Action Students in NCAD have launched…
May 6, 2015Read More
Protesters gathered outside Leinster House in the city centre on Saturday afternoon over the proposed Gender Recognition Bill 2014. The protest – dubbed the Rally for Recognition by organisers and…
February 17, 2015Read More
A national protest against the unwelcome property tax took place on Saturday 13 April with 5000 to 8000 campaigners assembling at the Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Square.…
April 19, 2013Read More