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Smart D8 Showcase 2023

Smart D8 Showcase 2023

Smart D8, the part of Dublin 8 that’s all about making people healthier and happier, announced funding for four new test projects earlier this year. These projects use innovative technologies…

‘Darkness into Light’ set to be Pieta’s largest event

‘Darkness into Light’ set to be Pieta’s largest event

Darkness into Light 2015, organised by Pieta House, is set to be their biggest event since it was launched in Phoenix Park, Dublin in 2009. It celebrates its seventh year…

Brainwashed from birth in North Korea

Brainwashed from birth in North Korea

  Yeonmi Park tells One Young World Summit the harrowing story of life in North Korea and her escape. “North Korea is an unimaginable country. There’s only one channel on…