Addiction is a problem that affects a huge number of people, to various degrees of severity. There can be all sorts of addictions that can affect people of all demographics. From…
December 9, 2020No CommentRead More
Drug and alcohol abuse is a serious problem in Ireland. In 2019 alone, there were an astonishing 7,546 cases of people treated for problem alcohol use, and an enormous 10,664 cases of people treated for problem drug use. Numbers like these will continue…
November 23, 2020No CommentRead More
Bodybuilders who are hell-bent on looking buff are using Dublin’s largest needle exchange to ensure that their needles are clean. The Geordie Shore effect is driving men to take extreme…
October 7, 2014No CommentRead More
Risk of closure for drug treatmeant centre.…
October 27, 2012No CommentRead More
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