

Micro-bakery in Rialto sells bread by the ‘Gram

Is Breadman Walking Dublin’s most exclusive micro-bakery? 

Gerry Godley is the “breadman walking” who gets an early rise every Saturday at 3am to bake bread and pastries to sell straight out of his kitchen. 

Based in Rialto, Dublin 8, the bakery is necessarily exclusive. Bery understandably, Godley doesn’t post his home address online for the entire public to show up, so you can only get the address by reply in DMs on Instagram. 

Every Wednesday at four o’clock, the official Breadman Walking Instagram posts that week’s menu, and you better get in quick as the all the pre-orders spots fill up fast: the micro-bakery has 26,000 followers. 

I got my order in for a €15 brioche tasting box at 4.15pm one recent Wednesday afternoon, and thankfully got a response back on Thursday confirming my order and giving me the address.

On Saturday, then, Godley opens his house to the public from 12 noon to 3pm. When I arrived, it felt very odd to just walk straight into a stranger’s house – the front door was open and I walked into the hall of his home. 

But my experience at the bakery was lovely, as was everyone I spoke to – from the American tourists who confirmed that I was in the right place, and not walking into some unsuspecting persons house, to the lovely women helping Gerry run the place. 

“I think it’s cool, he just has a bakery out of his house. I thought it was a bit weird that you just go into his home but it’s what makes it cool and interesting,” said customer Eoin Clarke. 

My order was ready and waiting for me along with loads of others when I arrived and there were even more baked goods to choose from waiting for the hungry customers.  

My order came in an orange bag which I saw many a person walking around Rialto with it before I got there, and a little white box sealed with a sticker with the Breadman Walking logo. 

My overall experience at the micro-bakery was positive and I think its definitely worth trying if you live around the Rialto area.

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