Footpaths with dog waste left behind on them are a common sight in the Liberties and the issue is a growing concern for the area.
Dog waste on footpaths is not just an unsightly issue but an unhygienic and problematic inconvenience for many.
It is also a hazard as dog waste contains toxic bacteria that can be harmful to humans.
Locals in the Liberties should not have to scan the footpaths as they use them to avoid stepping in dog waste, just because a dog owner failed to clean up after their dog or because stray dogs are not being controlled.
Speaking about the issue on the streets of Dublin 8, one local said that it’s seen on every path, and that “nothing is being done about it”.
“People are stepping in the dog shit not realising,” they said. “Then, they continue on and leave a whole trail down the path that you have to skip around.”
Another local expressed their frustration and said that “people need to have more respect for the area and pick up after their dogs.”
Dog waste on footpaths may not be so easy to ‘skip around’ for wheelchair and mobility aid users who would need full accessibility of the footpath – which could result in it being impossible for them to avoid potential dog waste lying around.
Another group of people at risk are the blind and visually impaired – who might not be be able to prevent themselves from stepping into dog waste.
In the past, campaigns from local governments in other areas have tackled the issue, where signs encouraging people to clean up after their dog or pay a fine have been implemented, along with dog waste bins.
Walking through the streets of Dublin 8, where the issue is most noticeable, passers-by will see the lack of presence of the badly needed signage and dog waste bins.
The Liberty reached out to Dublin City Council for a comment, but were given none.
If you feel that this issue is affecting you or someone you know in The Liberties area, you can email Dublin City Council at to express any concerns you have.
You can also make a dog fouling complaint by calling the Litter Hotline on 1800 251 500.
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