Brian Jordan has been elected as student union president at Technological University (TU) Dublin and will serve across all campuses – Blanchardstown, Tallaght and City Centre – starting in July.
The former nutraceuticals student at TU Dublin was deemed elected on first count with a total of 2802 votes.
Jordan says he has a passion for leadership and one of his main reasons for running in the election was to “bring back events”.
He plans to expand this work to the surrounding local communities, including Grangegorman, in September.
“It would be great to get local businesses involved. If local food trucks could come to campus once or twice a week, we could promote local businesses but also provide more interesting food options to students.”
“Engagement with local businesses to host student events could help increase revenue and engagement,” he said.
“If students are coming into campus and getting engaged with local events, they’re more likely to support local businesses near campus,” he said.
“The canteen prices are not student-friendly in my opinion… This is where getting local businesses involved would be ideal.”
Brian Jordan tudsu president
“We tend to go to cafés and bars nearby for student events…we can make sure to host campaigns about how to respect our local residents on nights out if our local community is worried about large groups of students around the area.” he said.
“I think we could help by advertising local job opportunities through our media too.”
Jordan explained his concern for facilities throughout all campuses at TU Dublin.
He stated that facilities across all campuses at TU Dublin vary widely and he noticed a lot of room for improvement during his campaigning at the Blanchardstown campus.
“There are no microwaves available to students and no access to water fountains, so students have no water or hot food,” said Jordan.
“The canteen prices are not student-friendly in my opinion, and TU Dublin has a huge number of students that are on grants who have to decide between paying their rent and eating, it’s insane.
“This is where getting local businesses involved would be ideal.” he said.
He has been the representative of his class every year during the completion of his Level 8 Bachelor’s degree and was elected as college officer during third year.
“I started getting more and more involved in societies and college life […] the closer I got to fourth year the more I started thinking ‘this is something I could do’,” said Jordan, explaining his long-term interest in becoming SU President.
Jordan is very involved in on-campus student life. As he gets ready to stand as SU President next semester, he hopes to encourage more students to come into college, and have an impact on local revenue.
“Increasing engagement and presence on campus would mean an increased populism footfall, utilising local businesses and services and increasing revenue.”
“If we had the resources, we could try to host talks and things like that in local and surrounding schools, that would be beneficial to the community I think,” added Jordan.
The president elect will step into his role in July this year and hopes to plan throughout the Summer in order to inform students of who Brian is and how he can help the students of TUD.
Election results were posted online here. All information on Jordan’s campaign and plans for TU Dublin can be found at Brian Jordan on Instagram.
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