

How walking keeps tourism alive in the Liberties

Local Liberties Tours creating Local Liberties Employment

In Our Shoes Walking Tours

Dublin as a capital possesses many attractions for visitors from across the water such as the famous Leprechaun Museum, Dublin Castle, Temple Bar and let us not forget the Viking Splash Tours. 

The city centre is such a haven of activity that tourists wouldn’t even think to venture outside it when they have all that they think they need to see of Dublin right there.

But don’t hidden-away areas such as the Liberties deserve their own share of the tourist interest? The people at ‘In Our Shoes Walking Tours’ are determined to showcase the village feel of the southwest inner city.

In Our Shoes Walking Tours is a responsible tourism initiative, employing local unemployed people  and training them to be tour guides. It is a community owned company, contributing to locals and therefore, the local economy. 

They will inform and educate while strolling through the Dublin 8 laneways and side streets treating tourists to the sort of unheard and often-hilarious  inner-city stories that you would never read in any guidebook. 

“The Liberties is often overlooked by passers-by en route from Dublin city centre to the Guinness Storehouse,” says Anthony Freeman, a tour guide for  In Our Shoes.  

“Tourists do not get much of a chance to engage with real Dublin, but in doing so with us, they find out what it really feels like to be living here – past present and future,” says Alison, a company representative.

In employing locals, it gives a voice to the community and creates opportunities within the expanding Irish tourism industry. 

These tour-guides present the neighbourhood proudly bringing with them an Irish sense of humour and a feeling of genuine love for their area.

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