

The Liberty Club gets new shopfront under scheme

Over the past number of weeks, shopfront renovations have been under way on Meath Street. 

Between ‘The Liberties Club’ getting Dublin 8 inspired artwork on the front of their shutters to Jaynies Hair and Beauty Salon receiving a complete upgrade, it is all thanks to the city council’s Dublin Shopfront Improvement Scheme.

‘The Liberties Club’ is a youth project, based in the Liberties and is ran by South Inner City Community Development Association (SICCDA) with the aim of self-development and creating opportunities for young people from the locality. Its new artwork displays quotes such as “In the heart of the coombe” and “Bang Bang” with a very eye-catching colour scheme.

In times past, the Liberties was famed for its colourful and ornate shopfronts. However, due to a lack of upkeep over the past number of years, many shopfronts are in need of a revamp. 

“The scheme gives businesses a small grant towards the cost of refurbishment. The scheme offers 50% of the cost of work,” Stephen Coyne, programme manager of the scheme, said. “For painting and decorating, the maximum grant is €2,000. More substantial work, such as replacing entire shopfronts is up to €3,000.”

This scheme has helped more than 50 businesses throughout the area to improve the aesthetic appeal of their premises. 

“I think it’s a great idea,” local resident Anne McGrath said. “It completely revitalises the area and restores pride in our community.” 

The shopfront initiative is open to all businesses in the area and applications for the grant are advertised and available online.

“Each premises chooses a contractor to do whatever they would like done,” Coyne said. “For the most part, we don’t get involved in finding people to do the work. It’s just assisting the property owner to actually get the job done themselves.”

This scheme is available for not only businesses in the Liberties but also in Dolphins Barn, Rialto and Leonard’s Corner.

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