By Hajar Akl
A new mixed-use development building is due for construction in Carman’s Hall, in the heart of the Liberties, after Salamisso Developments got planning permission.
The new building will include apartments, a shop and office suites called Tram Yard Exchange.
A café unit and two retail units as well as bicycle parking spaces will be built on the ground floor. Two independent buildings will be accommodated on the upper floors with one side containing offices and the other side containing six apartments with a roof terrace above.
The building will be designed by Horan Rainsford Architects who have ensured that the lobby interior, through which tenants will access their office suites “will utilise high-quality modern finishes and lighting design”, reported
The lobby area will include a reception, lift and stairs. Office tenants will be able to access the secure bicycle parking on the ground floor and will also have access to the balcony terrace on the upper floors.
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