SIPTU members from Dublin bus vote against strike
Photograph by Miguel Angel Vilela via Flickr
Members of SIPTU (Services, Industrial, Professional and Technical Union) have opposed possible strike action by Dublin Bus, just three months after it staged a three-day strike.
It is reported that Dublin Bus drivers are split over a new controversial cost-cutting plan, which is due to come into effect on Sunday 17 November.
Members of the National Bus and Rail Union (NBRU) accepted the deal, with 60 per cent in favour of the cost-cutting measures that aims to save in the region of 11 million euro.
However, SIPTU members have voted to reject it. The trade union held another ballot vote on Wednesday last to see if drivers were prepared to take industrial action, yet bus drivers voted 72 per cent to 28 per cent against another strike. Dublin Bus welcomed the outcome of the ballot.
SIPTU organiser John Murphy commented “The acceptance of the cost reduction proposals by a majority of their colleagues in previous ballots indicated to bus drivers that any strike action would not have the level of unity and support which would be required to successfully fend off the proposed cuts.”
“SIPTU members employed by Dublin Bus have fought against the continuing cuts to their employment conditions and will continue this battle in the face of Government proposals to further undermine them,” he added.
Photograph by Miguel Angel Vilela via Flickr