

Good times with Fox.E

By Sara Dalton.

Eimear Crehin, or Fox.E as she prefers to be called, is the talented singer of soul band Fox.E and the Good Hands.

Her loud pink hair is a direct indicator of her bright and bubbly personality and infectious bark of a laugh.

Within minutes of talking to her it is not hard to imagine how she would acquire a name like Fox.E.

She explains “when I originally started performing years ago I needed a stage name because my music was far too sexy. I was teaching music to small kids at the time. Anyway, someone who knew my style came up with Fox.E and it just stuck.”

This tale of double identity is like a watered down version of Sister Act Two: the caring and attentive Miss Crehin of the classroom versus sassy and seductive Miss Fox on stage.

Fox.E acquired the rest of her six piece band (the Good Hands) two years ago in order to enter the Rising Stars competition in May 2010. “I had entered a song that I had recorded with my sister,” Fox.E recalls “and the rest is kind of history”. Fox.E certainly is in good hands, accompanied by an assortment of trained and talented musicians.

Their style is a healthy mix of funk, soul and rap with elements of blues and cabaret thrown in for good measure. They have been influenced by artists as diverse as Jimmy Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Stevie Wonder, Eminem and Notorious B.I.G.

The members have oodles of experience. The electric guitarist David McDonald is studying modern music at DIT’s new rock course and drummer Phillip Donnery studies at Ballyfermot Rock School.

Fox.E herself has a degree in music under her belt, the bass player Gordon Dunning comes from a family of musicians and cabaret-style backup singer Paula Size sings in Maynooth Gospel Choir.

Fox.E explains that the drummer’s Robert Pattinson-esque good looks earned him the ‘sex appeal’ title. “He has gotten in trouble many times with girls,” she chuckles. “There was one very scary situation when he went home with someone and ended up getting locked into her apartment, she had Robert Pattinson posters everywhere!”

The band’s newest member is the rapper Barry O’Farrell. Fox.E gushes “he is the best addition we have ever had. He really adds dynamic to the group. I don’t consider myself the main anymore, we both lead.”

Despite what the name suggests ‘it is not just one person and a band’. “Everyone has equal say and we write all our music together,” I am told. Fox.E explains that the band was named accidentally when they were supporting Republic of Loose.

“We were asked for a name on the spot and one of the lads suggested ‘Fox.E and the Sex Starved Blood Hounds’ and I misheard him,” she laughs.

This is the third consecutive year the band is taking part in Dublin City Soul Festival and it is clear that they are behind the cause. Fox.E works hard to promote music working with charities and teaching children. “

I don’t believe in classical training though,” she says. “I do a lot of work with psychology and singing. It is about passion, using the voice you have and getting over your fear.”

Last year Fox.E and the Good Hands opened the New band Stage at Oxegen and their festival fever is set to return this year where after Soul they will play Electric Picnic and Knockanstockan.

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