

Easter eggs – a price comparison

By Siobhán McGuire

It’s a few days since those of you who have kept the tradition of lenting had been waiting for.

As a child it was a day you could shove as much chocolate, be it Cadbury’s, Galaxy or Nestlé, into your mouth until you reached the point of getting sick.

Today, Easter Sunday is seemingly a more sophisticated affair for adults, we indulge in the finest of easter eggs, baskets full of glorious chocolate eggs, and cocoa treats sprinkled in confetti and in a cocoon of shiny plastic covering.

Is all this fancy shmancy wrapping and glorifying of the Easter egg too much? Some chocolate factories even feel the need to lump a great old mug in on top of your easter egg, for added value, persumably.

Surely we don’t NEED a Cadbury’s cream egg hulk of a mug with our Easter egg. If you can afford an Easter egg one can only assume that your house is fully furnished with mugs and all the crockery you could wish for.

And what does this mean for the price of the beloved chocolate egg? What it all boils down to is where to buy the egg.

Selling at €3.95 was a Twirl Easter egg accompanied by Twirls weighs in at 325g. The cream egg bonanza sits on the shelf with a price tag of €3.95 (don’t forget there’s a mug too) An even larger Crunchie giant weighing 523g cost €9.99.

If you think a tenner is too much to fork out for an oval shaped lump of chocolate then beware. Centra on Thomas Street is robbing Liberties customers charging them €4.99 for 158g of Cadbury’s yumminess.

The best bargain can be found not in Centra, Tesco or any of the local newsagents but instead on a stall on the side of Thomas Street. Shouts of “three eggs for a euro” whirled their way around the passing shoppers.

Five of the could be snapped up for €10. Of course the cheapest shop for Easter egg goodness is The Easter Bunny Ltd – he even does delivery.

Photo credit: Sean MacEntee on Flickr.

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