Movember, the month formerly known as November, is a time when men sport a moustache in place of self-consciousness in order to raise funds for cancer charities.
Men involved, known as Mo Bros, start the month clean shaven and grow a ‘mo’ for the full 30 days, raising money along the way.
Founded in 2003 by a few friends over a couple of beers in Melbourne, Australia, the aim was to revive the moustache and use it as more than just a trendy retro lip-rug.
The founders equate the basic idea of the campaign to that of other charity drives: “Much like the commitment to run or walk for charity, the men of Movember commit to growing a moustache for 30 days.”
Since its inception, the cause has grown from strength to strength and spread across the globe. Last year alone, over 250,000 participants and more than one million donors globally managed to raise the equivalent of €31 million for the cause. Thus, the founders of Movember have managed to revive the mo as more than just a trendy lip accessory. The mo is now also a symbol of increasing awareness about the main cancer which affects males; prostate cancer.
The fairer sex is also invited to get involved and to help raise funds. Mo Sistas are encouraged to support and spur on the Mo Bro in their lives, whether it be a boyfriend, family member, friend or colleague.
All men deserve a bit of luxury in their lives, and in the case of Movember, that luxury comes in the form of a 30-day lip toupée. In an effort to raise awareness about the cancers which affect males – prostate cancer in particular – the founders of Movember challenge men (and women) to join them in changing the face of men’s health.
Well, that, and to attend a “highly anticipated” Gala Parté at the end of the whole affair